Pustefix Bubble Pipe is a classic. Fill the bowl with bubbles. Then, tilt the wand with the lever and blow through the pipe.
- Features
- About Pustefix Bubbles
- Pustefix means soap bubbles in German, and these Pustefix bubbles are hands down the best on the market.
- Pustefix bubbles are non-toxic, bio-degradable, and result in gorgeous streams of shimmering, long-lasting bubbles.
- Set contains: 70ml bubble tube and a pipe
- Pipe available in yellow and red
- Ages: 3yrs
- Made in Germany
means soap bubbles in German, and these Pustefix bubbles are hands down the best on the market. Dr. Rolf Hein Nachfolger KG is the long name of a small company in Tbingen (Baden-Wrttemberg) that is best known by the brand name of its sole product: Pustefix soap bubbles. Their blend originated over 50 years ago and is still used today. It is non-toxic, bio-degradable and results in gorgeous streams of shimmering, long-lasting bubbles.