Ready, set... HURRY UP! Greg and his friends challenge you to the fastest, funnest stunts ever!
Diary of ta Wimpy Kid 10-Second Challenge Game includes everything you need to outwimp all your best friends. It's not that the challenges are tough (ok, some of them are) but you'll need to tap those unique talents and some all around good luck to complete any one of them in just 10 seconds.
There are ball challenges (Throw the ball in the air and clap five times before catching it), color cube challenges (Hold one cube in each hand, then toss both to the opposite hand at the same time), brainy challenges (Name eight... shapes/toys/rooms/pets/drinks/superheroes), and there are challenges that will bring you closer - sometimes literally - to your opponents (Untie and tie each other's left shoe simultaneously). Move ahead on the Wimpy Kid game board every time you nail a challenge. It's a lot more fun than watching other players pass you by.
Recommended for 2-6 players, ages 8 .
Contents include: Game board, 6 movers, 90 game cards, 3 blank cubes, sand timer, rules, bean bag ball, label sheet