Did you know you can help the bees by blowing Bubbles to pollinate flowers?
The world bee population is in decline. Pollination is in a massive crisis. This is affecting food security for millions of people. With Dr Zigs you can pollinate the world with Bubbles.
With our kit you can collect and add pollen to our unique plant-based Bubble Mix, so children (and adults) can blow Bubbles that will actually pollinate flowers!
It’s a world first! Combining play with a huge innovation in pollination technique, and education about our environment.
We are Eco Friendly!
Years of research has gone into developing this innovative toy - the Bubble Pollinator Kit is made of natural materials - including Bamboo straw used to blow the Bubbles and a Bamboo cup to collect the pollen (all sourced from a community farm in Vietnam), a small wooden brush with vegan bristles to collect pollen.
The mix is in a 100% PCR (post consumer recycled) plastic bottle The mix is non-toxic, plant and insect friendly, vegan and fully biodegradable, and able to support and successfully deliver pollen. All the ingredients are derived from plants.